Sunday, February 8, 2009

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend, originally uploaded by SiLver sKY.

If I had to put a pronoun on a river to describe it as male or female, I would definitely use the word she. Take this frame for example, look at how the river takes a wide left just to turn right again and head in the same direction. That is totally something Vanessa would do.

When Vanessa and I hiked up to the bend, we were followed by a bus full of Chinese tourists. The entire hike I kept yelling at Nessie, Kuai Kuai! The Chinese were stunned that I could speak their language and how hard I was on my wife. We had fun though and once we got the the end, what a view! They kept saying how daring we were to get so close to the edge. I felt like they played it pretty safe in China. I mean I was a good 10 inches away from the ledge and they kept trying to pull me back.

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