Sunday, January 18, 2009


Shanghai Bund, originally uploaded by SiLver sKY.

Like every tourist when I visited Shanghai there were a couple "must see" things on my list. Besides the everyday opium den and back alley shop (I really like my Folex), I had to go see the view of Pudong from the Bund.

The Bund should, for all intensive purposes, just be consider Shanghai. The place is a madhouse. People are selling food, goods, Folexes, and scorpions on a stick; did I mention they are candied? Anyway the place is amazing, I snapped this picture of the Pudong off right before having a bunch of candied fruit that my wife bought. You will notice in the lower right corner of the exposure, there is a pirate ship with lights adorning the bow. Our guide told us that was where the real party is and you had to have some serious coin to ride.

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